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Audio Visual Group Links and Resources

Useful PDF Documents - please click on the following link for the appropriate document.

PTED AV Studio How to get Started on  by Sheila Haycox

File Formats MP4 or Exe by Ian Bateman

Optimising your system to show AVs over Zoom by Ian Bateman

Visit the RPS Audio Visual Group

Adobe Audition User Guide

Audacity User Guide

Voice Over Guide


Royalty Free music can also be found on this site -  Just click on Full Search and it will shows different genres, length etc.  Click on any piece which will give you the opportunity to listen to it before you download. 

Purple Planet is also a good site:


Another Royalty Free site from Shane Ivers is 


Or just Google Royalty Free Music, there are plenty of sites to choose from.

Recording Devices: 

To record your voice you can use a hand held recorder, something like the Tascam or  the Zoom Hand Recorder.  If you buy an older model of the Zoom recorders through Ebay like the Zoom H2 this can be obtained at a reasonable price.


Music Licenses: These can be obtained from IAC   for around £8.

Any part of an AudioVisual production which is not originated by the author, whether audio (eg music) or visual (eg third-party images added for historical background), requires some form of approval. This may be through licencing, or may be through use of royalty-free sources.


Licences for music are available to amateur producers from the Institute of Amateur Cinematographers (IAC, also known as the Film & Video Institute). Licences are available to individuals and separately to Clubs. The IAC Club licence only covers productions that are made by a Club as a group project, and not productions by individuals who happen to be members. The Club licence is really designed for film/video clubs where lots of people contribute with direction, lighting, production, sound recording etc.


The IAC provides the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) and British Phonographic Industry (BPI) licences, which grant permissions to physically extract music from purchased CDs or purchased downloads  for the purpose of making AV sequences to show in clubs/competitions on an amateur basis. One covers the rights of the composers, and the other the rights of the publishers. These licences are available to IAC members, to PAGB affiliated Clubs, to PAGB affiliated Club members and to RPS members, and cost about £8.


What is less clear is the licence required to play a production in public, meaning anywhere outside your home, as there are at least two competing schemes. The IAC scheme provides a Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) licence for under £1, but it is only available to full IAC members. However, many public halls have their own Performing Rights Society (PRS) licence, which avoids the need for a PPL licence. Information about the IAC licencing schemes is available at:

Webmaster Sheila Haycox ARPS, MPAGB/AV, EFIAP, AV-AFIAP

Website Launched 1999

All Images are Copyright Protected

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