WCPF Inter-Club Championships 2 February 2025
The WCPF competition, formerly WCPF DPIC Competition is now to be known as the WCPF Inter-Club Championships as they have now introduced prints into the competition. It is still being held at the Corn Exchange Exeter and for this meeting it has been prejudged by the judges who were
Each club must submit 18 digital images, with no more than 4 images per photographer, and no more than 5 Nature images.
Images that have been entered into any previous DPIC Competition are not allowed.
Neither the photographer nor club name should be included in the image title, or be visible in any part of the image.
The top 2 clubs will be invited to represent the WCPF in the PAGB Inter-Club PDI Championship held in Warwick in July 2025.
Each club must submit 15 prints from at least 5 different photographers. At least 5 Colour and 5 Mono prints and no more than 4 Nature prints. There can be no more than 4 images per photographer.
Prints that have been entered into any previous Inter-Club Print Competition are not allowed.
Neither the photographer nor club name should be included in the image title, or be visible on the front of the print.
The top 2 clubs will be invited to represent theWCPF in the PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship held in Blackburn in October 2025.
The winning club for both the Print Competition was Bristol Photographic Society and the winning club for the DPI was Barnstaple Camera Club.
Our club ranking for the DPI's out of 48 clubs was 31st place with 196 points and its was 14th place out of 27 for the print comnpetition with 172 points. Sheila got a Highly Commended for her Jet Ski Turn and was awarded with a certificate. The images we entgered are below.
Print Images
DPI Images