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WCPF DPIC - February 2016
(Digital Projected Image Competition)

56 clubs each entered 18 images; there are 3 judges who each mark an image out of 5. The judges only have a few seconds to evaluate the image so high impact, along with excellent quality is a selection criteria so it looked like a daunting day sitting through 1008 images, but this could not have been further from the truth. The images were, on-the-whole, of a very good standard and our first image was Sheila’s Green Crown Brilliant and it achieved the top mark of 15 points. John's Black Widow was also awarded 15 points by the 3 judges and these images were the only 2 awarded 15 points.

Our images continued to score well and as the judges actually awarded 6 marks to one image it was clearly not easy to get a good mark. At the tea break we added up our total marks and listening to other clubs talking about their totals we began to think we could make the top 6 – last year we were 7th. We then went back in to the hall and the Chairman began naming the top 30 clubs in reverse order and by the time he got to the top 3 our name still hadn’t been called out. YES WITH OUR TOTAL OF 219 POINTS WE HAD ACHIEVED EQUAL SECOND WITH BRISTOL PHOTOGRAPHIC CLUB. Bristol came second last year and the winners of the competition were once again F8 but they were only 3 points ahead of us. I do believe this means we now represent the Western Counties in the national competition to be held in Warwick.

A very special mention should go to the following people who achieved medals, ribbons and commendations and below a couple of images showing members receiving certificates, ribbons and awards plus a few club members with the DPIC Trophy for our second place.

  • John Perrriam Silver Medal for his image Black Widow.

  • Sheila Haycox Ribbon and Judges Selection for her image Jet Ski Turn

  • Derrick Holliday Highly Commended for his image Saltburn by the Sea

  • Sheila Haycox Highly Commended for her image Green Crown Brilliant

EPG Members - Mo Martin, Christine Chittock, Derrick Holiday, John Perriam, Jenny Baker, Sheila, John Wickett, Ian Bateman whose images were also used in the completition.

Derrick Holliday, John Perriam & Sheila Haycox with Certificates and Awards

Please click on any image to view gallery

Black Widow - by John Perriam - 15 points Silver Medal

Green Crown Brilliant by Sheila Haycox - 15 points Highly Commended

Saltburn by the Sea by Derrick Holliday -13 points Highly Commended

Jet Ski Turn by Sheila Haycox - 14 points - Judge's Ribbon

Remains by Derrick Holliday - 12 points

Carmargue Wild Horses by Mo Martin - 12 points

Standing in the Rain by Dave McHutchison - 11 points

The Sun King by Ian Bateman - 12 points

The Engine Shed by Christine Chittock - 13 points

White Horses by Derrick Holliday - 12 points

Sligachan by Dave McHutchison - 12 points

No Flying Today - by Jenny Baker - 11 points

Jet Ski Madness by Sheila Haycox - 12 points

Masked Tree Frog by Sheila Haycox - 10 points

High and Dry by John Wickett - 12 points

Elgol by Dave McHutchison - 12 points

Filament by Ian Bateman - 9 points

Gannets in Flight by Mo Martin - 12 points

Webmaster Sheila Haycox ARPS, MPAGB/AV, EFIAP, AV-AFIAP

Website Launched 1999

All Images are Copyright Protected

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