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WCPF DPIC - February 2013
(Digital Projected Image Competition)

Each year the club enters the WCPF Digital Projected Image Competition which is held at the Corn Exchange, Exeter sometime in February. The club is asked to enter 20 images with no more than four images from each photographer and not more than five nature images per club. Below the selection we chose for the club's entry.

Exmouth gained 201 points and came 14th out of the 49 clubs that entered, so we as a club are doing quite well. Sheila got a Certificate of Merit for her Going to Work and School. The marks are out of 15 and the points gained are below each image.

Click on an image to open gallery

Going to School and Work by Sheila Haycox Certificate of Merit - 12 points

Faster, Higher, Stronger by Teresa Brown 11 points

Heilan' Coo by Dave McHutchison 11 points

Audrey by Steve Currie - 11 points

Tate Liverpool by Sheila Haycox - 11 points

Gateshead Bridges by Sheila Haycox 11 points

Despair by Sheila Haycox - 10 points

Lake Nakuru by Derrick Holliday - 10 points

Strictly Morris by Teresa Brown - 10 points

Chateau Music, Steve Culverhouse - 10 points

Star Dance by Steve Culverhouse - 10 points

Durdle Door by Derrick Holliday - 9 points

Cape Cornwall by John Perriam - 9 points

Golden Days by Steve Currie - 10 points

Stair Web by John Wickett - 9 points

Surfs Up by John Wickett - 9 points

Private by John Wickett - 10 points

Minimalism and Beyond by John Perriam - 10 points

What Fate Outside by John Perriam 10 points

Webmaster Sheila Haycox ARPS, MPAGB/AV, EFIAP, AV-AFIAP

Website Launched 1999

All Images are Copyright Protected

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