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PAGB Cup Large Club Open - 14 February 2016

The GB Cup 2016 is sponsored by Paper Spectrum and any clubs who belong to the PAGB is able to enter. There are three sections, the GB Nature, GB Large Clubs Open and GP Small Clubs Open, all being digital entries; each section is likely to have different judges. Large Club and Small Club does not mean number of members but relates to your inability to make up a satisfactory entry which complies with the rules. Clubs decide for themselves which competition to enter.

This is the first time Exmouth has entered this competition and we elected to enter the Large Club Open. 126 Clubs entered the competition from Great Britain and we scored 158 points in total. The winner, Chorley PS scored 195 points, the lowest points being 126. . We were by no means disgraced, finishing in 31st place.

This is a national competition remember, the scores demonstrate though what a difference there is in the way that judges see things, as the majority of our images were the same as our WCPF DPIC and look how well we did there. The judges for the Large Club Open were Gwen Charnock MFIAP FRPS L&CPU; Bob Moore MPAGB FIPF FBIPP Hon FRPS Hon PAGB; Roger Parry MPAGB EFIAP ARPS HonPAGB.

Exmouth images and individual results are below. Congratulations must go again, to Sheila, for getting maximum marks with her Jet Ski Turn.

Click on any image to view gallery


Jet Ski Turn by Sheila Haycox - 15 points Awarded as the Best Action Shot

Black Widow

Black Widow by by John Perriam - 11 points

No Flying Today

No Flying Today by Jenny Baker - 10 points

Camargue Wild Horses

Carmargue Wild Horses by Mo Martin - 12 points


Remains by Derrick Holliday - 12 points

Masked Tree Frog

Masked Tree Frog by Sheila Haycox - 8 points

Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound by John Perriam - 11 points

White Horses

White Horses by Derrick Holliday - 10 points


White Charger by John Perriam - 11 points

Green Crown Brilliant

Green Crown Brilliant by Sheila Haycox - 8 points

Saltburn by the Sea

Saltburn by the Sea by Derrick Holliday - 9 points


Sligachan by Dave McHutchison - 11 points

Smoking Gent

Smoking Gent by John Perriam - 10 points


Spray by Christine Chittock 11 points

High and Dry

High and Dry by John Wickett - 9 points

Webmaster Sheila Haycox ARPS, MPAGB/AV, EFIAP, AV-AFIAP

Website Launched 1999

All Images are Copyright Protected

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