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12th February 2025 Jonathan Genevaux Waterscapes

Our last zoom for the season Johnathan Genevaux a evening of waterscapes starting over in France where Johnathan comes from, soon to be living in Scotland.

Johnathan gave us so much information throughout the evening. He covered the equipment he uses. Especially enjoying his sturdy tripod and L bracket. He explained his use of Kase filters for obtaining his long exposures.

Johnathan explained Open Street maps, photo pills,, google maps in great details. Google maps helped with showing all the different terrains that you are able to view, helping out with before you even go out into the landscape and what conditions you could encounter. Saving a lot of time and helping to get the great photographs.

Johnathan's top tips were to arrive early, observe, composition, focus on foreground and think about your frame. Use your phone to scout for images. 

Check out his website for more information and images

Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme s

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Jonathan Genevaux live screenshot 2.jpg

5th February 2025 - Speaker Sheila Haycox ARPS MPAGB-AV, EFIAP, AV-AFIAP

This was an excellent evening. Sheila showed a variety of inspiring AV’s, revealing her talent for creativity, story telling and using AI. The evening began with an artistic AV entitled “Flower Art” and this was followed by “Concrete and Peace” set in Milton Keynes, and featuring a Buddhist temple and a Peace Pagoda in a charming Japanese garden.


Sheila then showed us several of her interesting AV challenges. These included “Shipping Forecast” showing seascapes with a humorous commentary, “Gay Pride” in which she was challenged to take photos  within a 3 metre area in the Manor Gardens, “Winter Art”a project using 81 images which she had effectively altered using Photoshop, and “I Remember When”,using photos from the past.


In her AV’s of the Owl and the Pussy Cat and Deep Dive, Sheila introduced us to the marvels of AI in editing and using a script to make a podcast. This was fascinating, and gave us an idea of how AI could affect the future of photography.


Sheila’s talent for story telling was shown in “Cuppa Cabin”featuring a quirky cafe, where items from the past were displayed in old sheds to create a sense of nostalgia, “Dangerous Tranquility”about a balloon trip, “Lucky Escape”a tragic tale about a lifeboat rescue, and “Royal Sanctuary” an exploration of the Saltee Islands, a pair of small islands lying 5 kilometres off the southern coast of County Wexford in Ireland, and privately owned by the Neale family.


Thank you Sheila for an inspiring evening which was appreciated by all.  Review by Gill Stocker

WCPF Interclub Print and Digital Championship - 2nd February 2025

The Print and Digital Championships was held at the Corn Exchange, Exeter and full details of our results can be viewed here.


Sheila Haycox manged to gain an award for her Print, Jet Ski Turn and got a Highly Commended.   

The Exmouth Journal has printed a piecew about the WCPF Champ;ionship which can be viewed here

Photo by Christine Chittock

29th January 2025 Speaker via Zoom Stan Farrow FRPS EFIAP DPAGB.

Stan gave us an excellent talk on Photo Art.showing us the inspiration behind some of his creative photographic artwork, with details of how it is produced. He said I am always far more interested in turning my photography into art, rather than producing work for competition purposes.  Please visit his website  it is well worth a visit.

Belolw some of his images.

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Competition No. 3 - 22nd January 2025


Our judge for Competition 3 was Ian Hosker LRPS from Sidmouth Photography Club. Ian has been active on Flicker for 15years, and he has an interest in documentary and drone photography. 

There were 6 entries for Mono Prints, 13 for Colour Prints, 28 Colour DPI’s, and 11 Mono DPI’s. Ian gave many positive comments on the images presented, focussing on perspective, light, and the way the images were presented as a whole.

The overall winning image was On Point by Peter Hyett. Congratulations

to all the winners and many thanks to all those who took part.

To view the images and results please click here.

Review was produced by Gill Stockker, Hon. Secretary


Photos by Chaz Madge


15th January 2025 Speaker Ian Bateman FRPS MPAGB AV-EFIAP APAGB

Ian Bateman a long-standing member of EPG presented a fantastic first evening of 2025 back in person.

Ian started the evening with describing about the Taking of Pictures and the method and equipment we have used through the ages. From the first image taken in 1838, to present day, where a trillion of images are taken every year.

We then went on to see a variety of Avs from Ian, starting with, The Beach, all about the history around Budleigh Salterton beach and the town. Talking about, the salt that was produced by the local monks, Sir Walter Raleigh and his paintings and the steamer paddle boats that used to take passengers along the coast. So much research and local history.


Photo by Chaz Madge

The next AV we enjoyed was called the valiant soldier. The pub that time never called. Now turned into a museum in Buckfastleigh Devon. An insight to time standing still in a time warp.

City of Darkness was our next delight, created from a visit to Hong Kong, the walled city. Ian explained all about the planning of images and sourcing his music to each AV.

Then on to London for the AV about the Longplayer’s permanent home is in Trinity Buoy Wharf. Ian included special effects in this production.

Next, we had an AV from Elaine called Illusianaries a light exhibition in Canary Warf beautifully produced.

Then we viewed 2.1 ratio of a variety Cathedrals from around the country. The we went to a very different AV called Holloway, created from a visit to Dorset and a hollowed-out pathway, called Hell Lane.

To finish of the evening we went to Cyprus on the school trip on the SS Uganda ship. Ian created another fascinating, historical and brilliant produced with effects and again great music.

A very big thank you to Ian for a very enjoyable evening. Greatly appreciated by all our members.

For more information visit Ian’s website

Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme Secretary

8th January 2025 Speaker Les Forrester BA Hons ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE3

Our first zoom of 2025 sharing with Sidmouth Camera Club

Les Forrester started the evening by sharing what he called bite sized information. Les gave detailed information of how he achieved his beautiful, delicate, pastel images. Les researched each area that he photographed for possible buildings for his architectural images, using google maps and weather apps.

Les talked about his underground projects which he processed either high key with a slight hint of colour or low key, both with stunning results. Les demonstrated the before and after of a lot of the images presented, which was very useful and inspiring.

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We visited many buildings abroad, library’s, parliament buildings, hospitals, churches and more. Les talked about the choices of what to include or leave out of your images. After leaving Venice with the fascinating fishing boat area, Les gave us some beautiful images from his home area of Yorkshire.

He presented beautiful, trees in snow, piers and lighthouses, using long exposure to great effect. 

Everyone had a wonderful evening of beautiful images and lots of great advice.

For more of Les work, check out his website 

Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme secretary

Webmaster Sheila Haycox ARPS, MPAGB/AV, EFIAP, AV-AFIAP

Website Launched 1999

All Images are Copyright Protected

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