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11th December 2024 Critique evening
Members sent in three photos of their own choice, for a constructive critique of their images. The evening again was a relaxed enjoyable time, with lots of the members joining in to comment on all of the variety of images displayed throughout the evening.
We again had a vast array of subject presented through the evening, showing the diverse interesting subjects that our members enjoy photographing. Throughout the evening members suggested various ways to improve the images. By cropping, or to taking something out that was distracting in the photo.
We had 41 Dpis and nine prints to review and chat about. Such a variety car racing, quad biking, rugby, birds, chain sawing, Dartmoor, penguins and many more subjects. John talked about his bubble project with wire wool and water. David talked about printing on cartridge paper which had worked very well. Sheila also bought in three lovely panorama prints.
The members all enjoyed the evening. Hopefully taking away something from all of the comments shared throughout the evening. The evening helping to improve and to give tips, of various ways to present our photos to their best, with positive feedback.
Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme Secretary.
Wednesday 4th December 2024 Members Evening. A presentation of the Scottish Highlands from Stella French and Lynn Middleton-Flynn LRPS
Stella and Lynn presented us with some wonderful images of their trip to the Scottish Highlands, making good use of the light to capture the shapes, colours and beauty of the mountains, lochs and beaches.
Stella started by taking us on a journey to Ullapool, Assynt, Lochinver, Lewis and Harris where we saw majestic snow capped mountains, deserted Bothies, rock stacks with interesting abstract algae and lichen patterns, impressive waterfalls and beautiful reflections in the lochs. We saw the ancient Callanish stones in Lewis, some stunning wave and sand patterns, and some effective ICM images of the deserted beaches.
After the break Lynn showed us her interesting AV of the same area. We saw some dramatic weather, rainbows, lovely shapes and colours of trees and lichen, highland cattle and stags, the Blackhouse village, abandoned houses, snowy mountains, some black and white images of sand patterns, light and shadow effects on the beach, waves on the rocks showing the force of water, and some effective ICM images of the beach taken from the bedroom window.
Lynn’s AV ended with the appropriate caption “ A camera is a save button for the memory”, and both presentations were certainly memorable!
Thank you Lynn and Stella for your inspiring presentations which we all very much enjoyed.
Review by Gill Stocker
Wednesday 27th November Speaker Mike Martin ADPS, FDPS (x2), EFIAP, AWPF, BPE1* Shooting People
The first zoom of the season Mike Martin, a fantastic creative photographer. Mike gave a fascinating insight to the way that he photographs different models, in so many locations and studios around the country. Mike uses studios with lighting and also using the natural lighting. Disused buildings, taking along his own props. He also explained how he has used infrared on some of his shoots to get something different from the other photographers.
Mike said, think of how you present the picture for different feels. Think out of the box. Produce for your self not the judge. Enter competitions to win prizes, saying how he had won cameras ect. He enjoys the challenge of competitions. Mike gave tips on ways to direct the eye of the viewer to where he wants you to look with processing using light and shade, dodging and burning. He is certainly a master of his craft and deservedly so.
Don’t forget the 20% discount code for Fotospeed papers MM909123
Take a look at Mikes website for more images at
Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme secretary
Cwm Rhondda Battle between 22 clubs National and International - 23rd November 2024
The Cwm Rhondda Battle was held on Zoom through You Tube on Saturday 23rd November 2024. The results are on the Cwm Rhondda web page.
You will see that EPG came =11th out of 22 clubs - this is our best result ever in this contest. Our two highest scoring images with 19 points out of 20 were 'I'll Catch It' by Keith Urwin, and 'Storm Crashing onto the cliffs' by Lynn Middleton-Flynn.
The very experienced and qualified Judge, Margaret Salisbury, also said that Keiths 'I'll Catch It' was the best cat picture she has ever seen, and she has seen a lot of cat images over the years!
Click here to see the results and images.
20th November 2024 Competition 2
Our judge for this competition was Simon Van-Orden from Tavistock Photo club. Simon works for the Dartmoor National Park, and he has a passion for photographing landscapes, wildlife and the Northern Lights.
There were 11 entries for Colour Prints, 9 for Mono Prints, 46 for Colour DPI’s and 11 for Mono DPI’s. This was a lot for Simon to judge, but he did a brilliant job, giving a thorough, clear review of all the images presented. He had an eye for detail, and he gave us many helpful pointers on lighting techniques, background and composition.
The overall winning image was Delamore by John Wickett. Congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to those who took part.
Below some images Chaz Madge took on the night
Check out and view the winning images by clicking here. Also don't forget to check out the Running Total Scores
Review by Gillian Stocker, Hon Secretary
South Devon League - 13th November 2024
The Print section of the South Devon League was hosted by Exmouth Photo Group. This is a 4 way battle held between Dawlish & Teignmouth, Crediton, Newton Abbot and Exmolouth. The Judge for the evening was Ian Gearing from Reflex.
The event commenced with the taking of group photos which are below and then followed by the judge's evaluation of the prints. To view the images Exmouth entered, with their scores plus a copy of the score sheet please click here.
Attendees had the opportunity to view the photographs while enjoying refreshments. The evening concluded with the presentation of the winning images displayed on a stand, and the Chairperson expressing gratitude for everyone's participation.
The WCPF Kingswood Salver - 9th November 2024
We entered the Kingswood Salver with our Hands On prints but for the first time in ages we didn't get placed. The competition was judged by Gareth Martin who gave a talk in the afternoon. To view our panel click here
Wednesday 6th November 2024 WCPF Traveling Exhibition of Prints
Tonight, we viewed the Western Counties Photographic Federation travelling prints. The WCPF runs every year and all the members of every club in the Western Counties can enter prints or PDI’s.
The top chosen nature, open colour and black and white prints were divided into six groups and we all sat around the tables and discussed the prints, deciding which we like as our favourite. It was very interactive and nice to see the print quality up close. Needless to say each table had a different favourite.
We all were able to enjoy and admire some wonderful photography and a lot of beautiful printing. See some of our members looking at the prints. Photography by Chaz Madge.
The WCPF 2025 Exhibition will be open for entries in January 2025. For more information go to the WCPF website by clicking here.
Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme Secretary
Members Evening John Perriam ARPS DPAGB AFIAP
Once again, a most interesting presentation in which John showed his talent for producing creative and imaginative work using the images that he had taken in the past years. We were treated to projects created from music exchanges, very cleverly put together to compliment the music with Johns excellent photography.
John created Av’s on landscapes, adding his own style to make them more artistic. We visited Holsworthy cattle market, all about the closure, with some fabulous characters of the farmers. Johns AV on Faces in the crowd proves how John spots the characters everywhere he goes.
John explained how he goes out and can make an AV from a couple of hours out in the countryside. One created when he visited to Woodbury common. More Av’s were made visiting motor racing, Bristol, making bubbles for the AV To boldly go. To finish the evening Teddy on his life!!! A must see.
Thank you once again, John for a very inspiring and fascinating evening which was enjoyed by all. We look forward to seeing you next year for your 50th year with the club. Brilliant.
Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme secretary
Members Evening 23rd October 2024
At the beginning of the evening, members were able to view the images which had been selected for the Cym Rhondda Battle and the WCPF Kingswood Salver competition. This was followed by an AV called “All types of Images” taken by John Perriam at the Practical evening. These images can be seen here
Members were invited to show up to 6 images created by any method of photography they liked, and talk about them. We saw a wide variety of imaginative and creative ideas, ranging from phone photography, interference pictures, multiple exposures, a video taken with a lite action camera, using a scanner to see things in detail, images taken with a fish eye lens, Ai images of cats using Microsoft designer, and close ups of people on a train. There were 80 images in total taken by 16 people, and it was interesting to see so many different styles and ideas. Thanks to all those who took part.
A very successful evening which was enjoyed by all.
Review by Gill Stocker, Honorary Secretary
16th October 2024 Competition No.1
Our judge for the evening was Richard Curzon from Kingsbridge and district camera club.
Richard gave a very thoughtful review of all the entries presented into all of our four categories.
We had four sections in all, Mono Prints, Colour Prints, DPi Colour and DPi Mono. We had 9 Mono print entries and 13 Colour prints, 15 Mono DPi and 31 Colour DPi entries.
Richard showed an eye for detail and having been presented with such a variety of different photos, it made it very hard for him to judge. But he did with great comments and good judging for the final winners.
The Overall winning image of the evening was awarded to Ian Bateman for his Colour DPi image of The Shout
Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to all members for taking part and entering the first competition of the season.
Check out and view all the winners by clicking here
Ian's "Shout Out" image has also been published in The Exmouth Journal . View the link here
Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme Secretary
9th October 2024 Speaker Matt Curtin
Tonight, we had local speaker Matt Cutin based in Tavistock. Matt gave a brilliant presentation of just over 50 prints taken around Devon and Cornwall. Along with Matt's prints we had all the locations and lots of tips of how to take the images.
Matt gave tips on turning your screen down for night photography, when lighting foreground light from the side and lots of tips of how he had taken all the prints he presented to us. He gave tips on apps that he used for finding the locations and what the weather could possibly be like. One Matt liked was the Met office cloud app. Matt's dedication for sunrises and sunsets showed how his patience has paid off with the quality of his prints presented tonight.
Everyone said how much they had enjoyed the evening. For more images,
take a look at his work on his website below.
See below images of the evening taken by Chaz Madge
Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme secretary
Wednesday 2 October 2024 - Summer Challenge
The images shown for this year’s Summer Challenge, made for a very interesting and entertaining evening. This was a fun event designed to show how many variations could be found on each subject, and there was a wide variety of imaginative interpretations. Eighteen members took part, and they were challenged to produce four images taken during the summer, from a choice of twelve categories.The categories this year were Abstract photography, Building Architecture, Car trail lights, Flower with water droplets, Insect on a plant,Mono landscape, Night photography, Panning shot, Reflection on water, Sails at sunset, Table top arrangement, and Workers. Members were encouraged to comment on each image as it was presented, an excellent opportunity for us to learn from each other.
Christine announced to the members that Sheila Haycox had, over the NAVC weekend been awarded the Dobson Henry award for services to AV plus doing the Audio Visual website on the RPS site. Chaz took a photo of Ian presenting her certificate and medal.
A most enjoyable evening, and many thanks to all the members who entered.
Review by Gill Stocker - Photograph by Chaz Madge
25th September 2024 Practical Evening
This evening, we had a very successful practical evening at the club.
We had four tables covering, how to use Lightroom, demonstrated by Sheila. A how to use photoshop demonstration by Chaz. How to size and prepare an image for DPI or Print and all about entering the EPG competitions by Peter. How to setup and run an AV by Derrick.
The evening was enjoyed especially by all the new members and I think even the more experienced members took a little something from the evening.
A very big thank you to Sheila Haycox, Peter Hyett, Derrick Holiday and Chaz Madge for all their demonstrations and for making it a very useful evening. Preparing the way for entering this year’s competitions, also willing to help with further tutoring of our members.
During the evening John Perriam was busy taking photos of members enjoying the demonstrations These can be seen by clicking here. Thank you John, irts good to keep a record of our members enjoying
Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme Secretary
18th September 2024 Open Evening and Show and Tell
Tonight, Exmouth Photo Group held their open evening to showcase the club. We started the evening with showcase of images on a slideshow put together by Sheila Haycox. With visitors enjoying our complimentary food and drinks and chats with members about the events that Exmouth photo group has to offer.
Chaz Madge then took a group photo of three of our members who gained FIAP Distinctions recently; Sheila Haycox and Derrick Holliday both were awarded an AV-AFIAP Distinction and Peter Hyett was awarded an EFIAP/b Distinction.
Members then talked about three photos for the show and tell evening. We had a very good variety of topics and techniques displayed, with the seventeen people talking about where and how their images where taken.
Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme Secretary and photos were taken by Chaz Madge
11th September 2024 Speaker Jane Kearney DPAGB Costa Rica and What makes a good Photograph.
What an excellent entertaining and enthusiastic speaker Jane is, her passion for photography shines through her work. The first half the evening Jane started by introducing everyone to all the different styles of photography that she enjoys taking.
We then went on to see where Jane traveled around Costa Rica in 2023. Jane gave everyone a visual feast of stunning photographs, especially of the humming birds. Snakes and spiders, she was not so keen on, but still managed to get brilliant images. The frogs were beautiful and Jane managed to get great images of bats, she also capturing many other species of birds as they traveled to different heights and areas of Costa Rica.
The second half Jane talked about What makes a good photograph?
Jane became a judge herself and talked about Composition. Timming. Planning. Lighting. Storytelling and processing in great detail. She emphasizes know your camera!
A quote she used was, "A good photographer produces a reaction from the viewer"
A very informative, enjoyable evening with lots of tips for everyone.
Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn Programme Secretary
Photography: Chaz Madge
10 September 2024 Exmouth Journal Article
We have had an article put into the Exmouth Journal please click here to view We are hoping to get some coverage from the Journal about once a month. With thanks to Mark R for meeting with Tim Lethaby, the Editor.
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - Our first meeting in our new meeting room
Not one of our usual meetings, certainly a bit different. We will be having new chairs next week and might even change a few things in the future but at least we have a bigger room.
The Salvation Army celebrates their 140th Anniversary next year and wish to put on an exhibition of images that tell a story about all the different projects they are involved with. So they have invited us to do the photography hence the reason for having Andrew Cutler giving us a short talk about it. I do hope some of you will consider doing some of the projects, a few have signed up already.
We then had a break and I must thank Mo and Peter for coping so well in our new premises, I do hope members have looked at the Tea Rota.
The rest of the evening was taken up viewing accepted images entered into the WCPF this year and a quick run through the programme by Lynn.
I am pleased to say we now have an image of the Committee Members and Group Leaders . Chaz Madge managed to organise them into a group, thank you Chaz.
News From Your Chairperson at the start of our New Season September 2024 - May 2025
I am delighted to announce that the committee have co-opted Gill Stocker and Carol Hyett on to Exmouth Photo Group committee. Gill as Honorary Secretary and Carol as Membership Secretary. We are very grateful to them both for agreeing to take on these roles. Gill was our Programme Secretary for eight years and has also helped out by writing reviews. Carol has been our Projectionist for many years and both she and Gill have wide ranging experience and talents as many of you will have seen when they have given presentations.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sheila Haycox for stepping up to the mark and taking on the role of Acting Secretary, for handling the membership renewals and liaising withGill and Carol. Please see for a list of our committee and our President John Perriam.
We have a lot to look forward to this season, starting with our first evening on Wednesday 4th September at our new venue; the Salvation Army Hall, Sheppard's Row, Exmouth EX8 1PW. We have two allocated parking places which we have reserved for those carrying heavy equipment. The nearest public parking is London Hotel Car Park (Magnolia) Union Street Exmouth EX8 1HZ which is free after 18:00.
At our first session you can find out about an exciting New Photo Project for the 140th Anniversary of the Salvation Army in Exmouth and East Devon. A short explanation will be given by Andrew Cutler Community Mission Manager of ways in which we can record the current work of the Salvation Army photographically for a display of photos and stories next year. From Foodbanks and Lunch Clubs to the Salvation Army Choir and Band.
Following that we will have the opportunity to look at what we have on offer this season with many thanks to Lynn Middleton-Flynn for organising our Winter Programme. Sheila will lead us through the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF) Digitally Projected Images (DPI) for 2024 welcoming comments and questions.
Exmouth in Bloom 2026 Calendar Photo Project
Don't forget to take images for the Calendar. Exmouth in Bloom will select images for the 2026 calendar months (Landscape) and cover (Portrait) from photographs entered into a competition created exclusively for EPG members. All locations must be either in, or viewable from, publicly accessible areas such as parks or pavements. Photographs of plants taken from inside private gardens will not be accepted. We need good images of flowers/shrubs taken in different seasons in recognisable locations around Exmouth. It would be a good advert to showcase our photography.
Please see a video of the 2024 calendar for ideas. Deadline for entries mid-January 2025
Jurassic Coast International AV Salon - Zoom Session 25 & 26 May and Gala Day 15 June 2024
I am pleased to report that yet again our Jurassic Coast International AV Salon has made a profit. The Zoom Sessions held in May went very well - we had viewers from all over the world watching. Our Gala Day attracted AV workers from Gloucestershire, Essex, Worcestershire, Lincolnshire, Staffordshire and we even had someone from New Zealand attending.
All this would not have happended without Ian Bateman taking on the task of organising the event together with his team of helpers, Derrick Holliday, Jenny Baker, Mo Martin, Christine and Maurice Chittock, John Perriam and myself and of course supported by Elaine, Ian's wife.
It is a massive task and being able to have PAGB and FIAP recognition is a very valuable asset. The team are already preparing for next year's event and Woodbury Village Hall has been booked for the Gala Day next June.
We have to produce Programmes, Medals and Certificates, and a Catalogue, Please take a look at the Catalogue that has been produced which has loads of information, all the winners. Below are images kindly taken by Chaz Madge at the Gala Day on 15 June.
To celebrate our success 22 of us finished off Gala Day by going to Prezzo's in Exmouth which was organised by Mo Martin.
Review by Sheila Haycox
Latest News Items 15 May 2024
AV Group - Battle between Wilmslow, Australia, Gloucester and our club members. I am deligfhted to report that our AV Group did well, we just pipped Wilmslow by 1 point to view full results click here. Well done members.
The WCPF Members Exhibition was held at Uffculme and Seale Hayne for two weeks in May, 4 of our members did stewarding for a day and our oldest member Ernie King visited with Bryan Webb. Ernie met up with some old friends whilst there and they took images. I mjust say it was one of the best Members Exhibitions I have attended, the standard of the prints this year was high.
AGM 24th April 2024 + Presentation and Awards + Chairman's Challenge
The last meeting of the Winter Season was a busy one. It featured the AGM, Awards’ Presentation, and the Chairman’s Challenge.
Twenty-five members were in attendance, and Derrick was able to move swiftly through the agenda as no questions or comments had been received. The 2023 Minutes, Officer’s reports and financial statements were all approved by a unanimous vote. Mo expressed thanks to Derrick for rising to the challenge and agreeing to be Chairman for the 2023-24 season when nobody else would volunteer to take on that role.
The election of committee officers followed: Derrick Holliday (Chairperson) and Mike Gillan (Print Competition Secretary) were retiring; Christine Chittock and Tony Howell were nominated for those posts; Mark Reed, was standing as Member with less than 4-years membership; Sheila Haycox, who had been co-opted onto the committee mid-year as Vice-Chairperson, was officially nominated for that role; Sandra Morton (Secretary), Mark Hazell (Treasurer), Peter Hyett (DPI Competition Secretary) and Lynn Middleton-Flynn (Programme Secretary) agreed to continue in their posts. As all the positions were uncontested, the committee was elected ‘en bloc’ by a unanimous vote.
No proposals or items under AOB had been received so Derrick closed the AGM. This was followed by a brief discussion about the lack of a replacement for Jenny as Refreshments coordinator. Bryan Webb pointed out that there was a long-standing problem getting volunteers. Jenny and Mo agreed to provide refreshments for the first meeting in September, but after that, members will have to bring their own. Water will be provided for visiting speakers. Members were assured that the new committee would continue the search for a larger meeting room.
The Awards followed with EPG President, John Perriam, presenting the trophies and Chaz Madge taking photographs. Derrick awarded the Chairman’s Shield to Carol Hyett for all her hard work over the years behind the scenes.
‘Bird(s) in Flight’ and ‘Feet’ were the subjects for this year’s Chairman’s Challenge. Derrick’s favourite bird image was ‘In Flight’ by Chaz, and Mo came first in the feet category and was awarded the trophy for best image overall with ‘Lion Feet’. All the images from the challenge are on the website.
As Chairperson, Christine Chittock thanked Derrick for his long-standing service to the club and the committee, where he has held many different posts. She then announced the subjects for next season’s Chairperson’s Challenge – ‘Triptych’ and ‘Light’. After briefly talking about the Summer Programme and the Summer Challenge, Christine closed the meeting.
Review by Sandra Morton, Secretary
To view the Chairman's Challenge images and winner please click here
Presenations, Awards and General images (photography by Chaz Madge) see below
17th April 2024 Members Evening
Members evening trying out for the first time, an evening of photography created by any method that members had experimented with. We had phone photography, scanned photography, ICM, inverts, reflections, scanned images, Ai, multiple exposures and lots of manipulated images.
Members talked about the way that they had produced the image. Quiet a few were produced by apps on the phone, slow shutter app, photo split app, live on the iPhone, multiple photos in camera.
Some members tried experimenting with artificial intelligence, with some strange effects, mostly legs missing or one too many, but also some that worked very well, especially the image with the mist created in the woods.
It was a very interesting fun evening, where we all learnt from the variety of experimental applications in camera, or by phone apps, or by manipulation on the computer. A big thank you to all that contributed to a very different evening.
Review by Lynn Middleton-Flynn Programme secretary
10th April 2024 Panel Competition Judge Peter Ottley CPAGB, LRPS, AFIAP
Tonight’s panel competition judged by Peter Ottley from Bleadon photographic group, we started the evening with seven panels. We had seven sets of very beautifully printed panels all very different. We had panels on sections of buildings, trains, windmills, Scottish castles, fishermen and Morris dancers. Congratulation to Sheila Haycox two Golds for her panels O'Porto Terminal and City of Arts and Mike Gillian for his Silver panel called Spark and bronze for his panel called Morris Medley.
We had a very strong entry of twenty DPI panels. Again, a very varied and wide range of topics were presented for the DPI panels, so again Peter had a very hard challenge to choose the HC, Bronze, Silver and the Gold. Christine Chittock was awarded a gold for her dpi panel Reflections as did Sandra Morton for her panel Epson Downs.
Please check out the website for all the winning images here
Reviewed by Lynn Middleton-Flynn EPG Programme Secretary
WCPF AV Competition 6th April 2024
The WCPF AV Competition was held at Woodbury Village Hall on the 6th April. Jill Bunting and John Smith were the judges via Zoom. We had a good audience and a record number of AVs were shown, 45 in total. I am delighted to say that a few of our members did well in the competition. We also had two members who belong to our AV Group get awards.
Photo Harmony section: Christine Chittock gained Highly Commended for Rust and Decay
Photo Harmony section: Peter Budd (member of our AV Group) gained 2nd for All Aglow
Short AV section: Mo Martin gained Highly Commended for Teddy Bears Picnic
Short AV section: Ian Bateman gained 2nd for Holloway
Long AV section: Sheila Haycox gained 3rd for A Troubled Country
Long AV section: Ian Bateman gained 2nd for Monster
Long AV section: Cathy Fordham (member of our AV Group) gained 1st for Childhood Struggles
Audience Vote: This is for the whole competition - 1st Childhood Struggles, 2nd Monster by Ian Bateman and 3rd A Troubled Country by Sheila Haycox which happens to be the same as the judges choices..