Newsletter Year 2018
‘Time Travelling’ by our Chair Ian Bateman FRPS MPAGB AV-AFIAB APAGB
On 5th December 2018 Ian took us down memory lane, back to when the average salary was £6.997, a litre of fuel was £0.44 and a loaf of bread was £0.48. That was 1985 when Ian started making Audio Visuals (AVs) and we travelled back to a time of cassette tapes, slide films, boxes and trays and hoping that we had inserted the film roll correctly. Many of us will remember family slide shows when at least one member of the family fell asleep! Ian’s shows were in a different league with fade ins, voice overs, visual and sound effects and EPG members (all awake) watched in awe as Ian showed us an amazing variety of superb AVs.
In pre Internet days Ian had clearly been thorough in his research and chosen the salient points and some interesting facts and curiosities to inform and entertain the viewer. In Ian’s AV of ‘Carcassonne’ we were told about the siege of Carcassonne and the ‘force fed pig’ and today with the advantage of the Internet I can supply you with a link . Likewise in Ian’s AV of ‘Fascinating Follies’ our attention was held by an incredible variety of follies photographed so well from different angles. To name just one: ‘Chesterton Windmill’ it certainly looks impressive and worth a visit.
So overall we had a wonderful evening viewing 7 of Ian’s AVs and could admire his dedication, determination and ability to produce wonderful AVs back in the 80s and 90s. With the advantages of modern day technology we have seen how Ian has moved onwards and upwards. However, Ian showed us one AV ‘Beauvais Cathedral’ where we could see the advantage of showing an AV from a slide deck as all the slides were shown in their portrait format and we could certainly see the full glory of the Cathedral. An evening that started and ended so well.
Christine Chittock Programme Secretary
South Devon League Competition Wednesday 28 November 2018
The Print Competition for the SDL was held at Dawlish and Teignmouth Camera Club which was very well attended. Dawlish put on a good spread of cakes for half time refreshments but best of all Exmouth came first. John Baker from Exeter judged the competition and it was a very tight match. There were 60 prints to be judged and our entry can be seen here.
Exmouth scored 236, Dawlish 235, Newton Abbot 232 and Crediton 223. Well done to all the entrants who represented the club with their prints.
WCPF Kingswood Salver Saturday 17 November
The Kingswood Salver was held at the Bovey Tracey Golf Club and judged by Rosemary Wilman. There were 21 panels from around the West Country and we can pat ourselves on the back as we came second with our panel Working On Updates. Also John Perriam gained a Highly Commended for his image PC4 in the best individual images. All results are on the WCPF website.
In the afternoon Rosemary gave an excellent talk on her work.

Project Evening 31st October 2018
The Exe Estuary: Facts and Curiosities: On 31st October members were impressed by Mary Solway’s ability to talk so knowledgeably about a wide range of photographs without any reference to notes. Mary had an impressive collection of photos to show off the Estuary from different angles and viewpoints. It was particularly interesting to see the aerial shots.
Following on from Mary, Andy Lock LRPS kept us guessing as to what his presentation was going to be about; very clever! He had a lovely collection of animal photos, taken so there was only an occasional hint of captivity. Andy had taken full advantage of having a friend working on the premises who gave him greater access than usual. So members were treated to a number of close ups and it was wonderful to see his results.
The evening finished with Ian Bateman FRPS MPAGB AV-AFIAB APAGB showing us some of the winning entries from the 23rd International Audio Visual Competition. Altogether a most enjoyable evening.
images and write up by Christine Chittock

Simon Caplan LRPS – 24th October
Simon Caplan LRPS entertained members with his vibrant colourful prints of many everyday objects with some that were more unusual. Discussion around the print displays centred on his more unusual angles and his sharp centre of focus softening away to produce interesting and effective images that captured the viewer’s attention. His talk ‘Extraordinary Ordinary’ lived up to our expectations of something more unusual with plenty to go away and think about. Not all his photos on screen were of objects as we also saw his striking images of people and landscapes. By the end of his talk we were thinking about how we could look at our subjects from different angles, how we could centre on a particular feature and where we would decide to centre our focus. Once again photographic food for thought. Photos by Christine Chittock

Open Evening - Studio Session
17 October 2018
Chaz Madge took the opportunity of photographing two of our members whilst running the studio session. Derrick Holliday receiving the monthly cup for the overall best image and also produced a portrait of Ian Bateman as the new President of the WCPF
Below photos of members at the Open Meeting taken by Christine Chittock

David Shawe - Black White and Infra Red - 10 October 2018
David Shawe made us think about ‘Black, white and infrared photography’. David told us that he thinks in mono when on location rather than looking at a set of RAW colour images later on and then converting them to mono. David showed us a variety of scenes that were further away but we also viewed local places and so could make a note and try them out later. Usefully David showed us some colour versions of his mono images so that we could discuss which we preferred. To conclude we were shown a set of infrared photos taken on David’s converted infrared camera. It was great to see so many infrared photos together so that we could study the art of infrared. We agreed that trees work well but also close ups of plants such as ferns. So again much food for thought.
Alex Nail - Timelapse and Mountain Photography - 3 October 2018
Members were treated to a stunning set of photos and time-lapse sequences when Alex Nail gave his illustrated talk entitled ‘Time-lapse and mountain photography’ at the beginning of October. To secure his photos Alex researched possible locations in depth looking at the terrain for potential landscape scenes and using ‘’ for mapping and the weather forecast.
We were all amazed and impressed by Alex’s determination to trek through extremely difficult conditions avoiding polar bears, not always avoiding snow storms, locating a lost boat and camping in the wild. Through his beautiful dramatic landscape photography we were able to see places most of us will never visit such as the Drakensberg Escarpment in South Africa. However, we learnt that it is important to do your research, plan well, study the weather forecast, think about the position of the sun and the potential of the night skies, and think carefully about the amount and type of equipment and provisions you will carry, wear appropriate clothing and take plenty of batteries.
RPS 23rd International AV Festival
9 members from Exmouth Photo Group attended the RPS 23rd International AV Festival at Cheltenham on the 22nd and 23rd September 2018. Ian Bateman was the Chair of the 3 man Jury and I am delighted to say that he was awarded the prestigious RPS Dobson Henry Medal. This award is for outstanding contributions in the AV medium. This not only includes organising events at National and International level, but helping and advising others. Congratulations Ian this is a very well deserved honour. Congratulations also to Sheila Haycox who achieved an RPS H/C Ribbon for her AV "Recognition".
It's also congratulations to both Derrick Holliday with his AV "Eleven "0" One" and Christine Chittock with her AV Kaleidoscopic Stourhead in obtaining FIAP Acceptances.
Its thanks to Ian that we have an AV Group and because of this several of our members are now taking a great interest in doing Audio Visuals. If you wish to attend an AV evening please look at the programme, they are on a Tuesday evening.
To see images taken at the event, kindly supplied by Christine Chittock by clicking on this link.
Matt Whorlow - 19 September
On 19th September Matt Whorlow gave members an illustrated talk entitled ‘Enlightenment’. Members were impressed by Matt’s landscapes, seascapes and cityscapes and his dedication to getting up early for sunrise and staying up late for night shots. Concentrating on Cornwall and Devon Matt showed members a large number of scenes with ideas of where to go to capture that definitive shot. It was clear that Matt thought carefully about the best time to visit each location and we were treated to a large variety of well composed images which were a joy to see.
To see more of Matt Whorlow's Photography of Cornwall and Devon please go to his website by clicking here.

End of Season Meal & Skittles
On Wednesday 29 August Christine Chittock arranged our end of season meal at the Maltsters, Woodbury with a lively game of skittles after. There were winners and losers and images are below, click on an image to expand.
PAGB Gold Medal for EPG Member
The WCPF selected 120 images from the recent Exhibition held at Bovey Tracey to be put forward for the PAGB Inter Federation DPI Competition; one of which was Sheila Haycox's Green Pit Viper which was entered into the Nature Section. Sheila was absolutely delighted to be told that she had gained a Gold Medal for best image in the Nature Section. Although it was the only award the WCPF gained they came equal 2nd in the Nature section. 15 Federations from the PAGB entered which amounts to 1,000 clubs.

EPG AGM, Awards & Chairman's Challenge 18 April 2018
The AGM was completed in seven minutes with no issues. The Club are pleased to welcome on the Committee Michael Gillan as "a member less than 4 years". The awards for the monthly, panels and set subject competition were also handed out and below are Images of members receiving their different awards - images supplied by John Perriam. Ian Bateman awarded the Chairman's Shield to Christine Chittock for all her assistance to the club especially in preparing the programme.
We were then entertained the rest of the evening with images from the Chairman's Challenge which this year was "Create a triptych on Exmouth" . There were a variety of different ideas to depict Exmouth and after much consideration by Ian the chosen triptych was snow images by Chaz Madge.
![]() Christine receiving the Chairman's Shield | ![]() Peter Hyett receiving the Set Subject Trophy | ![]() Chaz Madge receiving Chairman's Challenge Trophy |
![]() Derrick Holliday receiving the Mono Print Panel frame | ![]() John Wickett receiving the Colour Print Panel cup | ![]() Carol Hyett receiving the cup for the DPI Panel |
![]() Sheila Haycox receiving the cup for the Monthly Digitally Projected Image Competition | ![]() Derrick Holliday receiving the cup for the Monthly Colour Print Competition | ![]() Ian Bateman receiving the Shield for the Monthly Mono Print Competition |
Success for EPG Members in both Members Exhibition and AV Competition
AV 4 Way Battle
The AV Group entered a 4 way battle against Wantage, Cardiff and Melbourne and the results are in. Each club entered five sequences and each gave points to their opponents sequences. It looks as though we were tougher in our scoring!! Exmouth came first with Wantage 2nd, Cardiff 3rd and finally Melbourne. . Click here for all the titles and scores. You will note that out of the 20 sequences entered we had all our five in the top ten so well done to those of you who had their sequences entered.
WCPF AV Competition
Ian Bateman, Sheila Haycox, Christine Chittock, Jenny Baker and Derrick Holliday were all winners in some form or another, well done to you all. Ian was awarded the Innovation Trophy for his Going Underground and this sequence also won the MAD Trophy which is for the audience popular vote. Ian also won the Photo Harmony for his Winter Light sequence. Sheila won the Coote Challenge Cup which is for the short sequence section with her Loch Ewe sequence plus gained 3rd place in the long sequence section with Theresienstadt. Christine got 3rd place with her Green sequence in the Photo Harmony section. Jenny had H/C for her St Matthews Glass Church in the short sequence section and Derrick commended for his sequence Tommy in the Photo Harmony section. Pretty good I would say especially as Christine, Jenny and Derrick are fairly new to audio visuals.
The Judges were Edgar Gibbs FRPS MPAGB AV-AFIAP and Linda Gibbs MPAGB AV-AFIAP. They had a difficult job choosing the winners out of the 33 entries and did a good job.
Christine took a few images of the occasion which are below
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WCPF Members Exhibition Acceptances
Ian Bateman (3) Christine Chittock (3), Sheila Haycox (10), Peter Hyett (1) and John Perriam (3) all received acceptances with Ian gaining a Ribbon in the Creative Digital plus Sheila also being awarded a Ribbon in the Creative Digital plus a Certificate in the Nature Digital. Members gained 20 acceptances between them which included the 3 awards. Well done to you all.
For more information on all awards and acceptances click here where you can see either by entrant, club or awards galleries. The Exhibition will be on show at Bovey Tracey Golf Club, just north of Bovey Tracey on Monks Way/A382, TQ13 9NG in the main function rooms and will be open on Sunday 13th May for the award ceremony taking place at 14.00. It will then be open daily until Sunday 27th May between 10 am and 16.30 pm. We have been asked to steward one of the days, yet to be decided.
Remembering Jean Mary King CPAGB
It is with great sadness that Jean King passed away on the 2nd March at Torbay Hospital. She had a chest infection which developed into pneumonia. Jean and Ernie were active members of Exmouth Photo Group and when car travel become too painful they returned to Dawlish Camera Club. Both Jean and Ernie still kept in touch and members met them often at WCPF events. Jean always had a happy smile to her face; she will be missed.
Her funeral was held at Torbay Crematorium on the 21 March 2018 and I am pleased that sixteen of our members were able to attend. A casual get together was held after at The Smugglers Inn after.
The Committee had previously decided that Ernie should be given Life Membership of Exmouth Photo Group as Jean was very keen for Ernie to still keep attending photography clubs. At the gathering Ian Bateman presented Ernie with a Framed Certificate giving him Life Membership and Ernie was absolutely delighted.
![]() Jean on EPG Summer Walk | ![]() Jean receving trophy for Mono Panel Competition | ![]() Jean on EPG Summer Walk |
![]() Ian presenting Life Membership to Ernie (photo Ann Owens) |
Mix & Match
On 8 March we held our annual Mix and Match competition between Exeter and ourselves which was hosted by Exeter. We entered quite a variety of images many of which were creative and unfortunately for us the judge did not like creative at all hence our score being 45 with Exeter getting 55 points. However the evening still proved fun with some banter in the audience trying to persuade the judge that images were a match.
WCPF DPIC Competition - 18 February 2017
The WCPF Interclub Competition was held at The Corn Exchange on 18th February. Over 1000 images were shown with 57 clubs taking part. We came equal 10th with Mid Somerset Club. For more information and images click here.
1st January 2018
Wishing all members a very Happy New Year and plenty of photography